Web Crawling With Akka
Scala and Akka web crawler. Supports non-blocking features and introduces many interesting Reactive techniques.
Simple Akka Example
Akka Introduction. Simple Sender-Store Actor model with a PoisonPill usage.
Computer Vision for the Web
A book that I published in October 2015. Contains many interesting examples on JavaScript in the Computer Vision area.
Observing the Future With RxScala
Scala reactive notes, part 3. Reactive paradigm which leads to a better code.
Reactive Fun With Scala.js
Scala reactive notes, part 2. Demo application using reactive library and Scala.js.
The Beginning of Scala Journey 2
Scala reactive notes, part 1. Implicit, yield and ScalaCheck quick start.
Java Aspects Using Spring AOP and AspectJ
Simple start for everyone who wants to use annotation based Aspects with Spring.
Surface prediction
3D reconstruction from a single image of urban scenes. The algorithm that I presented on SUAS 2014, ACCV workshop in Singapore.
Real-time traffic sign recognition
C++ algorithm for mobile phones which outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. RoadAR project.
Java + web
Сomplex services for project ulmart.ru, a large and high-loaded online retailer.