In the previous article, I have talked about Scala.Rx library. It is clear that this library is useful for many applications and it can replace such libraries like AngularJS in the Scala world (see Scala.js). Here, I want to outline another reactive library. Its platform, ReactiveX, is very popular now in the Java world.
We will talk about RxScala library. Basically, it is a wrapper for RxJava. It provides a new abstraction layer to write your code and solve problems like callback hell.
Quick example
The first look at the RxScala API:
val intervals: Observable[Long] = Observable.interval(100 millis).take(10)
intervals subscribe {
v => println(s"value = $v")
Await.result(Future { Thread.sleep(1500) }, 2 seconds)
We create an Observable
which emits values starting from 0
each 100 milliseconds. Then, we take only first ten emitted elements. Next, we subscribe a method to the elements the Observable
Run the code and see the output:
value = 0
value = 1
value = 2
What if we remove the Await
from the code? In that case you will not see anything, since the main thread will stop its execution first, while the intervals
computation will be performed in a different thread.
When it is too simple
There are many simple examples that can be created with that library. For example, using just
Observable.just(5, 4, 2).subscribe(print(_))
Really? I know that this is a different paradigm for developing things, but I do not think that this is a good example for showing the good sides of the library, when you can simply write this using foreach
List(5, 4, 2).foreach(print(_))
Because of that some examples in the web are not that catchy and do not show interesting and useful ways of how to use that library.
One of the problems that reactive libraries tend to solve is to provide a better way for asynchronous calls. Let’s see what RxScala can do with asynchronous computation. We will emulate it with futures. Think of it like calling from a client to a server.
val asyncEmulation = Observable
.just(1, 2, 3)
.map(e => e + 1)
.flatMap(e => Observable.from(Future { Thread.sleep(400 - 100 * e); e }))
val cd = new CountDownLatch(3)
asyncEmulation subscribe {
v => println(s"received = $v"); cd.countDown()
As you can see, we are not creating a callback function here. Instead, we use such functions like map
, flatMap
and others. This prevents us from using a callback in a callback in a … Simply, callback hell. In addition to reactive extensions, there are many techniques which can solve that problem, starting from naming functions to using async
combination, e.g. asyncawait.
Next, in the code above, you can see a different approach of waiting for the end of a computation — CountDownLatch. This class is designed for multithreading, you just set the initial count of the latch, and when it reaches zero by calling countDown
method, all waiting threads are released. Besides, you can set the maximum time for await
function, this will be useful, if you do not want the main thread to wait too long.
Finally, RxScala is an excellent tool which you can use in your applications to get much cleaner and understandable code. In some cases, when you do not need to deal with a lot of callbacks or do any heavy computation, you may prefer to use pure callback related approaches. But when it comes to do something more difficult, then the ReactiveX platform is the thing that will improve your code.
Source code
The source code is available on github under MIT License.